After we publish our first list , we can see its status on the price monitor (1).
The main table containts all the lists we publish.
Each row has 3 buttons :
refresh (5) , edit (6) and delete(7).
Table fields explaned:
- The Title field (2) contains the list title and its a link to the amazon web page.
- The Sold field counts how many items you sold.
- The Src ID field (3) contains the ASIN of the item.
- The Source field is the supplier AMAZON/WALMART...
- The Source Price field contains the item price on the supplier.
- The Inventory field show the ASIN inventory on the supplier.
- The Destination field points to the ebay store.
- The Watch Count
- The Dest Price
- The Quantity is the quantity you publish and remain.
- The Profit above BE
- The Dest ID is the ebay number and a link to the ebay sell page.