Configure the Price Protector & Monitor


price monitor -> price monitor configuration -> sync to ebay or track only


Basic configuration , just review the default values and update only if needed


1. Supplier : AMAZON

2. Enabled - the monitor is enable

3.Monitor running every 4/2/1 hour when Enable

4. at begginging use  BuyBox

5. Choose only Prime amazon items

6. Maximum shipping days 2/8/13

7.Destimation Country: Domestic Only prefered

8.Break Even 18.5%

9.Automation - updating prices

10. Fix profit

11.Allow protected mode

12. quantity 0 for no stock

Congratulations !! You are ready to start your first listing . ⇒
Click here to see how to list your item in less than 30 seconds

For Advanced users Only:When you feel more confortable ( or if you are a advanced user ) , go ahead and check the advanced Configuration  settings ( not for begginers )

Advanced Configuration settings  - For advanced users


1.Supplier:  AMAZON / WALLMART

2. Monitor running every 4/2/1 hour when Enable

3.Choose from multi configuration

4.Get Price from BuyBox or Supplier

5. Prime Only Asin supplier

6. Allow Amazon Addons Asins

7. Maximum shipping days 2/8/13

8. Destimation Country: Domestic Only prefered

9. Break Even % recomended 20%

10 MAX % drop per run

11 Automation

12 Fix Profit / Up Only

13 Protected Mode

14 No Stock GTC



  1. When choosing Supplier Table new related fields appears

2. FBA Only

3. Ship (max): 2/8/13

4. fdbk %(min):

5. fbdk count(min):